Christian Civics Sunday

54  CCT - DOI Card - Christian Civics Training - Biblical CivicsChristian Civics Sunday is taking the Sunday before Independence Day, July 4th each year and using it as a time to engage your congregation in the area of God’s Providences in American History and Biblical Civics.

Central to this effort is passing out a Christian Civics Declaration of Independence and Constitution Card to every member of the church.

The idea is very simple, easy to implement and can produce huge potential results.

Of course a church can develop this idea further and really use the card “pass out” as a launching point to pray, preach, teach on this topic in a meaningful fashion for a single Sunday or a series of Sundays.

Additionally, the Sunday before other civic holidays can also be used for a Christian Civics Sunday as well. Consider

  • Presidents Day – 3rd Monday in February
  • National Day of Prayer – 1st Thursday in May
  • Memorial Day – the Last Monday in May
  • Independence Day – July 4th
  • Constitution Day – Sept 17th
  • Election Day – usually the first Tuesday in November
  • Veterans Day – November 11
  • Thanksgiving – the fourth Thursday in November

The Declaration of Independence Constitution Cards references the training center..  We offer a comprehensive training center on Christian Civics that expounds on biblical principles of freedom, liberty, societal structures, the Declaration, the Constitution and the role of the church during the formation of our country.

Members really like it and love the quotes from the Declaration on one side and the Constitution on the other.  They also conveniently fit in their wallet or purse.  It also adds to the feeling that their church is relevant to the things going on in culture.

Your entire congregation now has access to an internet based training center where they can pursue their own development on these topics of biblical freedom and liberty.  They can do this 24/7/365 from computers, smartphones, or any other internet connected device.   They can do this as individuals, small groups, Sunday school classes, or with friends at work.

Over 20,000 believers received one of these cards through churches and other organizations the last two years.   We want to see this expanded significantly   The cards run $10 per 100. Shipping is free.   The value comes from both the card itself, but the hours and hours of free training at the website it references.

Sample Description of Christian Civics Sunday from previous years - Christian Civics Sunday pdf