The Pilgrims – 1620 Project

05 Pilgrims Embarkation - Christian Civics Training - Biblical CivicsThe Pilgrim Story is an absolutely amazing story of faith, courage, perseverance and the Providential hand of God.   It is no wonder that their story has been a central part of American History and is key to understanding the Thanksgiving Story.

The Founding Fathers called the early Pilgrims and Puritans the Forefathers – those who preceded them and brought with them the Keys to a Healthy Society and began to put them into practice on the American Continent.

Their project "officially" began on Nov 11, 1620 with the signing of the Mayflower Compact - America's first Civil Covenant.   We call this signing and everything that grew out of it, "The 1620 Project".

Their faith and God’s Providences are everywhere evident in their story and in their principles.

Today in public schools, universities, and in the mainstream media their story is either completely ignored, censored of every element of faith, or re-written and even besmirched to fit the worldview of modern politically correct historians.

The details of their story are so important to understand the foundations that were being laid 175 years before the US Constitutional System was finally consummated.


The Pilgrim Keys

05 Pilgrims Forefathers Monument - Christian Civics Training - Biblical CivicsThere are a set of principles that are so important that they would revolutionize our society or any society that put them into practice.   These ancient keys are hidden from view and have been left dormant for over 100 years of civic life in the United States.

Thankfully, these ancient truths have been left for us etched in stone that there might be a remnant who would discover them again and put them into practice.

George Washington - Thanksgiving Proclamation

1789.11.26 - George Washington's Prayer Proclamation - Establishing the First Thanksgiving - pdf.

Here is a remarkable Thanksgiving Proclamation requested by both Houses of Congress to the new President of the United States, George Washington.

This is his first Presidential proclamation of any kind and it is noteworthy it would be one that gives thanks to God, for our country, for His Providential guidance and blessings, and establishes late November as a time of Thanksgiving, just like it had been in the Fall of 1621.

We suggest that you download it, read and ponder it and share it with others and incorporate it into your annual Thanksgiving Celebrations.

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower Compact Covenant

The Mayflower Compact: Renewing a 400-year-old civil covenant