Race Relations

40 - Race Relations - Martin Luther King - Christian Civics Training - Biblical CivicsA student asked his history professor, “Where did slavery come from ?”

The professor answered, “The real question is; ‘Where did freedom come from?’”

It is the idea of freedom for the great masses of ordinary people that is relatively new in earth history.

Slavery has existed on every inhabited continent and among people of every race for thousands of years.

The 13 Colonies of Great Britain on the American continent were not immune to the expansion of the slave trade as the nation was established under British rule and agricultural labor was needed.

However, by the time of the Declaration of Independence, Americans were awakening in ever larger numbers to the inequities of this practice. Yet with a battle pending with the world’s largest super-power of the time, the issue was not resolved during the Declaration and Constitution period.   An early plan to stop the practice was put into effect and by Jan 1, 1809 the importation of slaves into the United States was to cease.

Things did not go as planned and the practice lingered.

The greatest voices for civil rights of the last two centuries were Frederick Douglas in the 19th Century and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr in the 20th century… Both appealed to the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and Constitution for their positions.

In recent decades however, most of the vocal leadership on race issues have attempted to either openly or subtly divide people into races and classes rather than unify around Dr. King's appeal of “content of character vs. color of skin” and his appeals to the Declaration of Independence.

The result is we are a “house divided”.

This eye opening series will seek to unite us and to allow people of all colors and ethnicities to see themselves in God’s grand plan. This series takes a look at the current state of things, but also goes way back in history not just hundreds of years, but thousands of years where we discover some profound truths.


Race Relations and its impact in the United States


The Larger Historical View


Black Americans Finding Their Story in God’s Story and in the U.S. Story


American History in Black and White

American History in Black and White part 01 - The Founding Period - 3/5 Clause - Frederick Douglass - 9m

American History in Black and White part 02 - From Founding Period  to Civil War -  9m

American History in Black and White part 03 - The 1860s Period of Turmoil- Civil War - 9m

American History in Black and White part 04 - Post Civil War Period - Black Republicans - 9m

American History in Black and White part 05 - Post Civil War Period - Reconstruction - Black Congressman - 9m

American History in Black and White part 06 - 1875 The End of Reconstruction and Suppression of Blacks - 9m

American History in Black and White part 07 - 1875 to 1930s - Suppression of Blacks in the South - 9m

American History in Black and White part 08 - 1875 to 1960s - Techniques to Suppress and Oppress the Black Vote - 9m

American History in Black and White part 09 - The Political Party Behind the Klu Klux Klan and Lynchings - 9m

American History in Black and White part 10 - Civil Right Struggle - How the Political Parties Lined up to Support and Oppose - 9m

American History in Black and White part 11 - Civil Rights Formed out of the Christian Consensus - All Men Created Equal -  9m

American History in Black and White part 12 - Overcoming Evil with Good - 3m


A Key Civil Rights Letter

This extremely important letter is a call from the greatest civil rights leader of the 20th Century to Pastors and Clergy to get engaged in the cultural and in cultural issues.   It is a call to action.

A Letter From the Birmingham Jail - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr - 1963-04-16 - PDF


An Warning From Over 50 Years Ago About How Race Agitation Would be Used to Destroy The United States

Race Agitation and Manipulation of the Public as Means to Destroy the United States – 1969 – 8m